Sunday, August 7

Day #10 - Paragliding and Shave Ice - MJ

MJ - just after take off
  Can you see Luke?

Luke landing

Luke, the student pilot

Scott, the student pilot

Jake's descent

Sticking the landing

Jake, the pilot

There is nothing like handing your children over to strangers, having them hook the boys up to flying things, and then running off a mountain.  When I saw Luke run and then get lifted up by the paraglider, I definitely had a moment of - what did I do?  Then I was next.  You walk fast and then RUN.  When your feet are off the ground, you still RUN until you are told to stop.  At this point you can sit back in the "chair" that is attached to you.

I was surprised how steady and secure you feel as you are descending from 6500 feet.  The paraglider flies straight unless the driver (not me) pulls on a side.  We did some spiral turns that felt roller coaster-like.   But, all in all, the ride was calm and steady.

Scott, Luke, and I went up first followed by Jake, Lindy, and Devon.  Lara and Kevin went last since they had done this may times before.  We had a great morning, catching an aerial view of Maui!

Afterwards we decided to get shave ice from a new place down the street from our condo.  The amount of time the people take to put together each shave ice is unbelievable.  I ordered my usual - strawberry with a snow cap (condensed milk on top) over ice cream.  The texture was very smooth, and they had packed it with loads of syrup.  Of all of the places we have gone, a bunch of us liked this one the best.  If we go there again, I will have to try a new flavor..........hmmm, what will it be?