Tuesday, August 9

Day #12 - Road to Hana - MJ

An early day today as we were out by 8:00 A.M. to start our journey.  So many of the activities we have done are so scheduled and precise.  This activity was kind of "mushy."  As we began the journey - where should we stop?  where do we park? where do we go? - so many questions.  We knew we wanted to stop somewhere that we could see water falls and go swimming.  The best shot of that was 20+ miles into the trip.  Yikes.  The water hole turned out to be very cold and busy, but everyone had a good time.  About 12 miles later we visited the black sand beach.  That was really interesting.  The blackness mostly came from rocks, but there was some black sand as well.  The beach was surprisingly uncomfortable to walk on with bare feet, but the sound the rocks made as they went in and out with the waves was really neat.

I think the kids were surprised how Hana was anticlimactic.  We stopped there for a bathroom and really nothing else.  Then we started the 30+mile journey up the winding, skinny road.  With the beautiful scenery, interesting stops, and lunch/snack stops, I would say the day was a success.  Different from other days, but a success.
Kaumahina State Wayside

Pua'a Ka'a State Wayside Park

Waianapanapa State Park