Tuesday, August 2

Day #5 - North Shore - Dad

I am all in favor of getting up early and going out to maximize fun, but when you are with 8 people, some want to stay in and laze around - "Jake and MJ".

A morning run started off the day.  I decided to avoid getting lost by staying along the coast.  No problems today.  Just a lot of sweat when you run even at 7:30 in the morning.  It is hot and humid.  However, the definition of humid varies from location to location.  New Jersey is much more humid than Hawaii.

The group was ready to roll.  We headed off to the North Shore.  I have said to myself that I was going to just go with the flow more and let things happen.  Today was a great test of that.  On the way to snorkeling, we were going to be near the greatest shave ice.  We made a pit stop at 11:00 in the morning for some sugar water.  Today I added condensed milk to mine and it was amazing.  I think I can see how to make millions in NJ - shave ice with condensed milk.

Next we headed to the snorkeling spot.  I was expecting order and to sign up for a time, but it was so different.  We simply rented gear - I smoozed with the owner and got the " Scott" discount of 25% off.  Then they just let you loose in Shark's Cove to go snorkeling.  Again, no rules, no supervision and no problem.  The boys and MJ had a great time exploring the ocean floor.  When I say ocean floor, I mean about 50 feet from the shore line, while the Webb's high-tailed it directly into the deep ocean.  I sat on a rock and read a book while they explored.  Everyone survived.

Next up was the food truck food court.  They call them food trucks, but I highly doubt any of them have moved in 10 years - some are even on google maps in a permanent position.  Everyone was able to order what they wanted and to just simply chill outside enjoying a beautiful day with lunch in hand.

Next up we attempted to go to a trail and waterfall.  It was in a botanical garden.  However, the water was too murky to swim in and therefore, we headed out. I was unable to smooze the ticket taker to let us in for free to just explore.  My powers are limited to a certain amount each day.

One the way back, we stopped at the Dole Plantation.  You read it properly.  It is a Disneyland of Pineapples.  We rode the Pineapple Express train to learn about pineapples.  Followed up with some yummy pineapple ice cream.  No one else in the family enjoyed it, but it was great.  Jake had the opportunity to complete the world's largest maze as we enjoyed our snack.

The night was capped off with karaoke.  No one in the family was willing to go up and sing.  I was ready to go at it alone to just show them how to do it, but then they offered to pair up and sing with a partner.  I ended up "singing" You're The One that I want with Mj and Living on a Prayer with the boys.  It is truly fine to make a fool of yourself halfway across the world in front of people you will never see again.  I may not have been a good singer, but I put my heart and soul into the performance which earned rousing applause.

Following that, we headed in to the hotel to clean up.  All in all a good day.  Are there really any bad days in Hawaii?  I think not.